
Seminar Prof. Jihyun Jang [Sogang University, Department of Chemistry] - Developing High-Energy-Density Solid-State Batteries From Materials to Cell-level

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  • Date : 2024/04/18 5PM
    Venue : Science Hall, B133
    Abstract : All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) are regarded as one of the next generation technologies that can overcome numerous limitations present in conventional liquid lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to their extremely high safety. The comparable performance between the two stems from the development of solid-state electrolytes (SSEs) including sulfide-based SSE such as Li6PS5Cl which possesses an ionic conductivity equivalent to that of liquid electrolytes. However, several challenges must be addressed to achieve the practical application of ASSBs, such as the development of high-performance solid-state electrolytes, stable electrode electrolyte interfaces, and cost-effective manufacturing processes. This talk will focus on the state of ASSB research, including recent progress in solid-state electrolyte and cathode/anode materials, and cell architecture. In addition, we summarize the recent advancements and highlight the remaining challenges in ASSB research and the advanced cell fabrication processes including the scale-up manufacturing process. We also look into one of the promising alternatives for a highly cost effective system, Na-ion ASSB, with an outlook on the future of this promising technology.