
Yonsei University Chemistry
Undergraduate Curriculum

The Department of Chemistry at Yonsei University provides an educational and research environment that fosters creative and outstanding global leaders who will lead the central science of the future.

Curriculum Overview
  Sophomore Junior Senior
  1st Semester 2nd semester 1st Semester 2nd semester 1st Semester 2nd semester



- Organic Chemistry (1)
- Analytical Chemistry (1)
- Analytical Chemistry Experiment
- Organic Chemistry (2)
- Physical Chemistry (1)
- Organic Chemistry Experiment
- Inorganic Chemistry (1)
- Physical Chemistry (2)
- Inorganic Chemistry Experiment
- Physical Chemistry Experiment - Advanced Chemistry Major Experiment



- Basic AI for Chemistry
- Sophomore and Junior Career Seminar

- Advanced Calculus (1)
- Computer (1)

- Analytical Chemistry (2)

- Advanced Calculus (2)
- Computer (2)

- Bioorganic Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry (2)
- Organic Advanced Materials Chemistry
- Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics
- Inorganic Materials Chemistry
- Organic Synthesis
- Instrumental Analysis
- Physical Organic Chemistry
- Quantum Chemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry


Major Requisite
Course Code Course Title / Details Credit
CHE2103 Organic Chemistry (1)

Learn the nature, structure, synthesis, and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, halogenated alkyl compounds, and alcohols.

CHE2105 Physical Chemistry (1)

Understand the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics to determine the structure and properties of the microscopic world of matter.

CHE2107 Inorganic Chemistry (1)

Learn bonding theory, symmetry, and periodicity of acids, bases, and compounds, centered on atomic structure and molecular orbital function theory, systematically examine the properties and reactivity of inorganic compounds.

CHE2109 Analytical Chemistry (1)

Establish the concepts of moles and concentrations that are fundamental to analytical chemistry and the activities required for wet analysis,  principles of chemical equilibrium and volumetric analysis, acid-base equilibrium, acid-base titration, and precipitation.

CHE3110 Organic Chemistry (2)

Learn the nature, structure, synthesis, and reaction mechanisms of aromatic compounds, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and derivatives, and amines, and understand the principles of spectroscopic methods necessary for the analysis of organic compounds.

CHE3112 Physical Chemistry (2)

Build on the microscopic perspective learned in Physical Chemistry 1 to understand thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and reaction kinetics to explain the macroscopic properties of molecular populations and acquire principles at the core of chemical change.

CHE3114 Analytical Chemistry Experiment

Learn the theory of qualitative and quantitative analysis and develop the ability to solve actual analysis problems on their own through wet analysis and instrumental analysis experiments.

CHE3115 Organic Chemistry Experiment

Acquire basic experimental methods necessary for organic chemistry research and perform purification and separation of organic compounds, various functional group transformations and coupling reactions, and polymer synthesis.

CHE3116 Inorganic Chemistry Experiment

Learn the basic synthetic techniques required for inorganic chemistry research and understand the range of modern spectroscopic applications by synthesizing inorganic compounds and analyzing them using spectroscopic methods.

CHE3117 Physical Chemistry Experiment

Develop an understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of physical chemistry by performing experiments on key principles of physical chemistry. Perform experiments on computational principles of quantum chemistry, various types of spectroscopy, reaction kinetics, nanoparticle properties, and advanced physical chemistry topics.

CHE4107 Advanced Chemistry Major Experiment

Gain experience and understanding of advanced chemical research by being assigned to a laboratory within the Department of Chemistry to conduct graduate-level chemical research.



Major Elective
Course Code Course Title / Details Credit
CHE3102 Analytical Chemistry (2)

Learn the theory and application of analytical chemistry using instruments such as electrochemistry, spectroscopy, and separation analysis.

CHE3103 Inorganic Chemistry (2)

Learn the basic theories and reaction mechanisms of coordination and organometallic chemistry necessary to understand modern inorganic chemistry.

CHE3104 Bioorganic Chemistry

Learn about the organic reactions of biomolecules - carbohydrates, amino acids/peptides, and nucleic acids - and their basic biological significance. You will also learn about the mechanisms of enzymes.

CHE3106 Organic Advanced Materials Chemistry

Learn about the basic chemistry of organic compounds applied in the field of materials, organic semiconductors, displays, renewable energy materials, and medical materials.

CHE3108 Instrumental Analysis

Learn the principles and applications of spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, electrochemical analysis, surface analysis, and separation using state-of-the-art analytical instruments.

CHE3118 Sophomore and Junior Career Seminar

This course is designed to help second- and third-year chemistry majors develop their careers, providing them with a variety of opinions and advice on what to do after graduation from professors, alumni, and others working in various careers.

CHE4101 Organic Synthesis

Learn the basic concepts of organic synthesis and various covalent synthesis methods, and acquire strategies for the synthesis of complex organic molecules.

CHE4102 Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics

Acquire basic knowledge of spectroscopy to determine the properties of molecules and understand the photophysical/photochemical kinetic mechanisms of molecules induced by light-matter interactions.

CHE4103 Physical Organic Chemistry

Learn about structure-reactivity correlations in organic compounds, and the types and mechanisms of organic reactions.

CHE4105 Organometallic Chemistry

Learn about the bonding properties and reactivity of organometallic compounds, cluster compounds, homogeneous catalysis, and biofuel chemistry to understand catalysis.

CHE4109 Inorganic Materials Chemistry

Covers the theory, synthesis, analysis, and applications of advanced inorganic materials, including inorganic crystal structure, synthesis, bonding, surface, bulk, and atomic-scale analysis, optical, magnetic, and electrical properties and applications, and nanoscience.

CHE4110 Quantum Chemistry

Understand quantum chemistry from the perspective of quantum mechanics with in-depth examples and exercises from Physical Chemistry 1, and synthesize the theoretical and computational methods that provide the basic framework for quantum chemical research.

CHE4112 Basic AI For Chemistry

After mastering the math required to study the principles of chemistry and artificial intelligence, this course covers the basic principles and applications of artificial intelligence. You will learn examples of AI applications in chemistry and chemistry-related industries.