
Yonsei University Chemistry
Graduate Curriculum

The Department of Chemistry at Yonsei University provides an educational and research environment that fosters creative and outstanding global leaders who will lead the central science of the future.

Curriculum roadmap
  1. 01 Basics
    • Research Ethics
    • Chemistry Research Methods
  2. 02 Basic Majors
    • Advanced Physical Chemistry
    • Advanced Organic Chemistry
    • Advanced Analytical Chemistry
    • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  3. 03 Material-based
    • Physical Chemistry of Materials
    • Advanced Organic Materials
    • Analytical Chemistry of Materials
    • Advanced Nano Materials
  4. 04 Specialized Intensive Courses - Bio
    • Advanced Chemical Biology*
    • AI and Biomedical Chemistry*
    • Nano-Bio Chemistry
    • Analysis of Biofunctional Molecules*
    • Supramolecular Chemistry*
  5. 05 Specialized Intensive Courses - Energy
    • Electrochemistry for Energy Conversion*
    • Energy and Environmental Science
    • Energy Production and Storage*
    • Advanced Energy Materials*
    • Energy Interface Chemistry*
    • Environment-Friendly Energy Chemistry
  6. 06 Topic Discovery Courses
    • Energy Materials Research
    • Future Energy and Environment
    • Biomaterials Research
    • Future Biomedical Research
  7. 07 Problem-solving courses
    • Advanced Energy Materials Research
    • Advanced Future Energy and Environment
    • Advanced Biomaterials Research
    • Advanced Future Biomedical Research
  8. 08 Seminar & Integrated Courses
Curriculum (2023-1st semester - 2024-2nd semester)
Category 2023-1 2023-2 2024-1 2024-2

- Chemistry Research Methods


- Chemistry Research Methods




- Advanced Physical Chemistry
- Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- Advanced Analytical Chemistry
  - Advanced Physical Chemistry
- Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- Advanced Analytical Chemistry



  - Physical Chemistry of Materials
- Advanced Organic Materials
- Advanced Nano Materials
- Analytical Chemistry of Materials
  - Physical Chemistry of Materials
- Advanced Organic Materials
- Advanced Nano Materials
- Analytical Chemistry of Materials




- Energy

- Energy Production and Storage
- Energy Interface Chemistry
- Electrochemistry for Energy Conversion
- Energy and Environmental Science
- Energy Production and Storage
- Environment-Friendly Energy Chemistry
- Electrochemistry for Energy Conversion
- Energy and Environmental Science




- Bio

- Analysis of Biofunctional Molecules
- Supramolecular Chemistry
- AI and Biomedical Chemistry
- Advanced Chemical Biology
- Analysis of Biofunctional Molecules
- Nano-Bio Chemistry
- AI and Biomedical Chemistry
- Advanced Chemical Biology




- Energy Materials Research
- Biomaterials Research
- Future Energy and Environment
- Future Biomedical Research
- Energy Materials Research
- Biomaterials Research
- Future Energy and Environment
- Future Biomedical Research
- Energy Materials Research
- Biomaterials Research
- Future Energy and Environment
- Future Biomedical Research
- Energy Materials Research
- Biomaterials Research
- Future Energy and Environment
- Future Biomedical Research




- Advanced Energy Materials Research
- Advanced Biomaterials Research
- Advanced Future Energy and Environment
- Advanced Future Biomedical Research
- Advanced Energy Materials Research
- Advanced Biomaterials Research
- Advanced Future Energy and Environment
- Advanced Future Biomedical Research
- Advanced Energy Materials Research
- Advanced Biomaterials Research
- Advanced Future Energy and Environment
- Advanced Future Biomedical Research
- Advanced Energy Materials Research
- Advanced Biomaterials Research
- Advanced Future Energy and Environment
- Advanced Future Biomedical Research



- Seminar
- Chemistry Seminar
- Advanced Semiconductor Physics
- Seminar
- Chemistry Seminar
- Seminar
- Chemistry Seminar
- Seminar
- Chemistry Seminar
Course Overview
Category Course Title Course Code Credit Details Notes
Basics Research Ethics CHE6702 0 Training on international level ethical awareness in conducting research and publishing, and education on human rights of graduate students

General Graduate Common Courses

Chemistry Research Methods CHE7110 3 Teach chemistry fundamentals such as presentation skills, designing experiments, and drawing conclusions that are essential for researchers in the field  



Advanced Analytical Chemistry CHE6101 3

Modern instrumental methods such as spectroscopy, separation, electroanalysis, etc.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry CHE6201 3 Molecular orbital theory, coordination chemistry, coordination polymer chemistry, organometallic chemistry  
Advanced Physical Chemistry CHE6301 3 Quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, and reaction kinetics  
Advanced Organic Chemistry CHE6401 3 Physical organic chemistry methodology, organic synthesis, organometallic chemical synthesis  



Analytical Chemistry of Materials CHE6102 3

Application and application of property analysis to various new materials


Advanced Nano Materials

CHE7201 3 Synthesis, evaluation, and applications of multidimensional nanomaterials and organometallic materials  
Physical Chemistry of Materials CHE6302 3 Solid-state physics theory and its application to various new materials  
Advanced Organic Materials CHE6402 3 Theory and application of various material synthesis methods including organic-based materials, polymeric materials, electronic materials, supramolecular materials, and carbon-based materials  




- Energy

Energy Production and Storage CHE7831/2/3 1/1/1 Generation of renewable energy through photovoltaic power plants, collective power plants, etc. and various energy storage methods such as charge storage in battery systems and storage of energy transporters utilizing structures. Modularized Courses
Electrochemistry for Energy Conversion CHE7811/2/3 1/1/1 Molecular-level understanding of energy conversion processes and (photo)electrochemical fundamentals and applications Modularized Courses
Advanced Energy Materials CHE7801/2/3 1/1/1 Physicochemical properties and theoretical design of various functional materials used in energy generation, conversion, storage, and utilization processes Modularized Courses
Energy Interface Chemistry CHE7851/2/3 1/1/1 Design and application of energy transporter behavior and energy material aggregate formation at interfaces related to energy conversion/storage processes Modularized Courses
Energy and Environmental Science CHE7821 3 Learn how to minimize the environmental impact of various functional materials used in energy generation/conversion/storage/utilization processes and the use of environmentally friendly materials in the energy field  
Environment-Friendly Energy Chemistry CHE7841 3 Chemical technologies that respond to future environmental issues such as carbon/energy circulation, fine dust reduction, waste plastic decomposition, and securing clean water resources  




- Bio

Advanced Chemical Biology CHE6511/2/3 1/1/1 Chemical methodologies and chemical synthesis-based biomaterials engineering techniques related to the understanding of biological phenomena Modularized Courses
Analysis of Biofunctional Molecules CHE7711/2/3 1/1/1 The latest medical technologies related to quantitative and qualitative analysis of biofunctional components and biospecimens. Modularized Courses
Nano-Bio Chemistry CHE7703 3

The latest research techniques in nano/biochemistry and the ability to respond to the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Supramolecular Chemistry CHE7721/2/3 1/1/1 Characterization of various nanomaterials applied to biological phenomena and design of nanomaterials for medical purposes Modularized Courses
AI and Biomedical Chemistry CHE7731/2/3 1/1/1

An overview of artificial neural networks, machine learning, and deep learning, and the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics required to utilize them for chemical drug development and AI-based diagnostic applications/drug discovery.

Modularized Courses




- Energy Materials Research
- Biomaterials Research
- Future Energy and Environment
- Future Biomedical Research
Teach the latest research techniques and trends in the application of sustainable chemistry strategies to solving problems in energy and biomaterials.  




- Advanced Energy Materials Research
- Advanced Biomaterials Research
- Advanced Future Energy and Environment
- Advanced Future Biomedical Research
Research-oriented education that identifies topics that cannot be resolved in a single major with the advisor and proactively resolves these research topics through collaboration with research groups within the education business unit or school (in-depth research on energy materials and biomaterials) or external research institutes and universities (global multidisciplinary research).