
Number. Title Date
18 Seminar Prof. Inji Shin [Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Fine Chemistry] - Synthetic Application of Imidoylsilanes
17 Seminar Prof. Jihyun Jang [Sogang University, Department of Chemistry] - Developing High-Energy-Density Solid-State Batteries From Materials to Cell-level
16 Seminar Prof. Jeonghyo Lee [Hanyang University, Department of Chemistry] - Selective Catalysis for C–O Functionalization and C–H Amination
15 Seminar Prof. Sarah Sunah Park [POSTECH, Department of Chemistry] - Synthesis of Conductive Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films
14 Seminar Prof. Joongoo Lee [POSTECH, Department of Chemical Engineering] - Ribosome as a molecular machine
13 Seminar Prof. Seong H. Kim [Pennsylvania state University, Department of Chemistry] -A physical chemist working in an engineering department studying material
12 Seminar Prof. Jonghee Yang [Yonsei University, Department of Chemistry] -Accelerating Perovskite Materials Discovery via High-Throughput Automated Exploration
11 Seminar Prof. Soon Hyeok Hong [KAIST, Department of Chemistry] - Chemically Recyclable Polymers Developed by Elaborate Design of Catalysts and Monomers
10 Seminar Prof. Chulsung Bae [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,Department of Chemistry]-Molecular Engineering of Anion Exchange Membranes for Hydrogen Fuel Cell
9 Seminar Prof. Sung Hyun Yoo [Chonnam National University, Department of Chemistry] - Aqueous Self-assembly of Oligourea Helices