
Department of Chemistry Yonsei University
BK21 Chemistry Education Center

Fostering Innovative Talent to Lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Cultivating creative talent with global research capabilities
Cultivating talent for global leadership


Welcome to the BK21 Chemistry Education Center for Sustainability, Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University.

In recent years, the rapidly growing development of science and technology has been a driving force in making human life easier and richer. However, continuous changes in the social and natural environment threaten human sustainability. Future societies will need to grow in ways that allow humans and nature to coexist.

The BK21FOUR Center for Sustainable Chemistry Education and Research at Yonsei University's Department of Chemistry aims to foster human resources with the ability to respond to social issues such as energy, environment, and health in order to realize a healthy and sustainable future society. Our vision for fostering such future human resources can be summarized in the motto of 4C education. 4C Education is an education system that cultivates human resources who are creative and interdisciplinary based on chemistry, contribute to solving social problems, and prepare for the future (4C, Foresee).

By establishing a virtuous cycle of education and research, the Center for Education and Research aims for an advanced curriculum that can inspire research and lead to international cooperation through the content of graduate classes. Yonsei University's Department of Chemistry, which has been providing chemistry education since 1917 and boasts the longest tradition in Korea, is now preparing future chemistry talents with the Center for Sustainable Chemistry Education and Research.

Jang Woo-dong, Director of BK21 Chemistry Education Center for Sustainability

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