
Seminar Prof. Jeonghyo Lee [Hanyang University, Department of Chemistry] - Selective Catalysis for C–O Functionalization and C–H Amination

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  • Date : 2024/04/11 5PM

    Venue : Science Hall B133

    Abstract : In the realm of catalysis, the dual aspects of selectivity and efficiency are of utmost importance in determining the success of various organic reactions. This presentation demonstrates the application of selective catalysis in two crucial areas of organic chemistry: C-O functionalization and C-H amination reactions. The first segment of the discussion focuses on the use of BINOL-derived chiral phosphoric acid (CPA) catalysts to promote regioselective carbohydrate functionalizations, resulting in the formation of valuable saccharide building blocks or drug derivatives with high precision. The second part highlights the versatile application of custom-desgined CpCo(III)(LX) catalysts in a range of selective C-H amination reactions. These include intramolecular C-H (sp2 and sp3) amidation, site-selective intermolecular amidation, alkyl-migratory amidation, and amidative Diels Alder dimerization. Together, these findings underscore the exceptional selectivity and efficiency of BINOL CPA catalysts and CpCo(III) catalysts, providing effective solutions to challenging transformations in C-O bond functionalization and C-N bond formations, respectively.