
Seminar Prof. Nathan Gianneschi [Northwestern University] A Proteomimetic Polymer Chemistry Approach to Expanding the Druggable Proteome

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  • Date : 2024. 07. 04. Thursday, 5:00 pm

    Venue : Science Hall B132

    Abstract: In this presentation, we describe Protein-Like Polymers (PLPs) as an approach to mimicking proteins. These proteomimetics are based on peptide-brush polymers composed from monomers each containing a peptide side-chain. Herein, we describe the development of this class of biomolecule polymer conjugate, discuss their physicochemical and structural properties and will expand on their utility in a range of settings, including as a new type of therapeutic modality. We will highlight some examples including their ability to engage critical intracellular protein-protein interactions especially among intrinsically disordered transcription factors responsible for driving neurodegenerative disease and cancer. These will include a novel approach to targeted protein degradation utilizing the polymer-based technology to rapidly converge on functional molecules.