전체 제목 내용 작성자 번호 제목 작성일 42 세미나 김태호 교수 [전북대학교, 한국과학문명학연구소] - The First Generation of Korean Scientists 2024.10.28 41 세미나 신지훈 책임연구원 [한국화학연구원, CO2에너지연구센터] - Designer Lactide-Derived Poly(or Oligo)mers in KRICT: Toughening, Plasticization, and Elastomericity 2024.10.07 40 세미나 Prof. Adam Wei Tsen [Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo] - Tunneling Probe of 2D and Moiré Magnetism 2024.10.07 39 세미나 박재홍 교수 [이화여자대학교, 화학나노과학과] - Exciton and Charge-Carrier Dynamics Through Pump-Probe Spectroscopy 2024.09.23 38 세미나 오준학 교수 [서울대학교, 화학생물공학부] - Harnessing Multiscale Chirality for Advanced Optoelectronics 2024.09.08 37 세미나 Prof. Rui Shang [The University of Tokyo] - Iron-Catalysis and their Applications in the Synthesis of pi-Functional Materials 2024.08.29 36 세미나 최태림 교수 [ETH Zurich] - In Situ Self-Assembly of Conjugated Polymers 2024.08.07 35 세미나 최태림 교수 [ETH Zurich] - Applying New Synthetic Methodologies to Versatile Polymerizations and Self-Assembly Process 2024.07.31 34 세미나 Prof. Thomas J. Meade [Northwestern University] MR responsive and Theranostic Probes: Where are we headed? 2024.07.10 33 세미나 Prof. Nathan Gianneschi [Northwestern University] A Proteomimetic Polymer Chemistry Approach to Expanding the Druggable Proteome 2024.07.04 12345