
세미나 박재홍 교수 [이화여자대학교, 화학나노과학과] - Exciton and Charge-Carrier Dynamics Through Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

  • 작성일
  • 첨부파일
  • 일시: 2024년 9월 26일 목요일 오후 5시

    장소: 과학관 B130

    초록: For semiconductors in molecular optronics, photoinduced dynamics of excitons and free-carriers (electrons and holes) such as exciton-dissociation and carrier-recombination dynamics is the key process of the device operation. To probe this dynamics, various spectroscopic and electrical techniques have been utilized. In this presentation, first, I will introduce flash-photolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity (fp-TRMC) experiments, which are visible-pump/microwave-probe spectroscopic measurements and specialized in examining the dynamics of free-carriers. Exemplary free-carrier dynamics in various organic and inorganic systems studied by fp-TRMC will be discussed. Secondly, my presentation will discuss the exciton/carrier dynamics studies in organic semiconductors.