
세미나 Prof. Takeharu Haino [Hiroshima University, Department of Chemistry] - Chemistry of Functional Supramolecular Polymers

  • 작성일
  • 첨부파일
  • 일시: 2023년 10월 19일 오후 5시
    장소: 과학관 B131호
    초록: Lipid membranes in cells are fluid structures that undergo constant synthesis, remodeling, fission, and fusion. The dynamic nature of lipid membranes enables their use as adaptive compartments, making them indispensable for all life on Earth. Efforts to create life-like artificial
    cells will likely involve mimicking the structure and function of lipid membranes to recapitulate fundamental cellular processes such as growth, transport, and signal transduction. As such, there is considerable interest in chemistry that mimics the functional properties of membranes, with the express intent of recapitulating biological phenomena. I will discuss recent efforts from our lab that leverage advances in chemical biology and systems chemistry to mimic the remarkable properties of living membranes. Inspired by our ongoing work on developing lipid bioconjugation strategies to generate artificial cell membranes, we have also developed new tools for manipulating membranes in living cells or in the presence of membrane proteins, and I will discuss progress on developing new tools for selective bioconjugation within living cells.